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La Grange, KY
La Grange, Kentucky Police Station Information
The crime rate in La Grange, Kentucky in the year 2020 rose by 18% compared to the year 2019. La Grange has seen increasing violent crime and decline of property crime. There are currently 2 sex offenders living in the city of La Grange. La Grange has an A in livability based on the city’s crime rates.
La Grange has 69% less violent crime compared to the national average.
La Grange has 14% less property crime compared to the national average.
Overall, the crime rate in La Grange is 23% lower than the national average.
The La Grange Police Department is responsible for patrolling the city 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The department prevents crime, apprehends criminals, conducts traffic stops, and responds to all 911 calls. Officers also complete accident reports, conduct house watches if they are requested, and performs background checks. The La Grange Police Department reaches out to the community by providing block watch programs, and hosting a citizen’s police academy. Currently the department employs thirteen sworn officers and two civilians. Many of the officers are responsible for multiple duties within the department. We have officers who not only have the responsibility of day to day police service, but also are dedicated to extra duties, such as overseeing the K-9 unit, acting as Public Relations Officers, and assisting with an Explorer unit through the Boy Scouts of America.
The current Chief of Police is Greg Collett. The police department can be reached at the following:
La Grange Police Department
121 W Main Street
La Grange, KY 40031
Office Phone: 502-225-0444
Fax: 502-225-9783
Crime & Drug Tip Line 502-702-6556
La Grange police officers transport individuals who have been arrested to the Oldham County Jail, which is located in La Grange. The Oldham County Jail is a minimum security facility. The mission of the jail is to maintain Care, Custody, and Control of all persons housed in the facility, while keeping the staff and public safety of utmost importance. The jail can house up to 108 inmates. Inmates have the right to visit with friends and family while incarcerated. Inmates are allowed two forty minute visits per week. All visits use video recording. Visitation must be scheduled online using the InmateSales website or by calling 1-877-998-5678. Visitation is offered daily.
Country: United States
Address 1: 410 W Jefferson St
City: LaGrange
State: Kentucky
Zip Code: 40031-1114
County: Oldham County
Phone #:502-225-0444
Fax #:502-225-9783