Rowan County Court, KY

Morehead, Kentucky Police Station Information

Morehead has 63% less violent crime compared to the national average.
Morehead has 16% more property crime compared to the national average.
Overall, the crime rate in Morehead is 3% higher than the national average.

In the last 5 years, Morehead has had a decrease in both violent and property crimes in the city. As of July of 2023, there are 34 registered sex offenders living within city limits.

The Morehead Police Department is a full service law enforcement agency in the city. The department is responsible for patrolling city limits, conducting criminal investigations, apprehending criminals, and processing all paperwork. The department meets all requirements needed to operate as a law enforcement agency in the state of Kentucky. The current Chief of Police is Derrick Blevins.

The police department can be reached at the following:

314 Bridge St.
Morehead, KY 40351

Phone: 606-784-7511
Email: [email protected]

Individuals who are arrested in Morehead are transported to the Rowan County Jail. The Rowan County Jail is a minimum security facility located in Morehead, Kentucky. The county jail houses both male and female offenders who have been arrested and charged with either misdemeanor or felony offenses. All inmates being held at the county jail are either serving their sentences, awaiting trial, cannot afford bond, or do not have a bond set. The mission of the County Jail is to protect the citizens of Rowan County while providing a safe, secure and humane environment for those housed within the facility as well as for those conducting business within the facility. The County Jail strives to provide quality programs aimed at enriching the lives of offenders with the goal of reducing recidivism.

Inmates have the right to visit with their friends and family while incarcerated. All visits are onsite video visitations. Visitation may be scheduled by the inmate or a family member on the kiosk.Visitation is available 7 days per week from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Records Request and Mugshots in Morehead, Kentucky

The city of Morehead provides a record request form for the public to use for obtaining copies of documents. The form requires a detailed description of the record being requested and the requester’s contact information. The form can be submitted to the county clerk at the following:

Email: [email protected]

County Sheriff, Warrant, Most Wanted Information in Morehead, Kentucky

The Rowan County Sheriff’s Office is the exclusive law enforcement agency located in the county. The Sheriff is an elected official responsible for the County’s safety, for collecting taxes, and for arresting citizens who violate the law. The office continuously strives to earn the community’s respect and trust by providing a serious and professional approach to law enforcement that is honest and fair to everyone, regardless of one’s political affiliation.The current Sheriff is Matt Sparks.

The Rowan County Jail has an inmate jail roster for the public to view. The roster lists all current inmates held in the jail.The jail roster lists the inmate’s full name, birth date, booking date, arresting agency, bond amount, and charges they were arrested for. Inmates can also be searched by their first and last name.

Morehead, Kentucky Information

The city of Morehead is located in the eastern region of the state of Kentucky. The city covers 9.72 square miles of land. The population is estimated to be 6,700 according to the last census in 2020.The city operates on a mayor-council government, and the current mayor is Laura White-Brown.

Contact the Mayor at:

Phone: 606-784-8505
Email: [email protected]

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