Morgantown, Kentucky Police Station Information
Morgantown has 78% less violent crime compared to the national average.
Morgantown has 78% less property crime compared to the national average.
Overall, the crime rate in Morgantown is 78% less than the national average.
Morgantown has had a decrease in both property and violent crime in the last 5 years. The city has a total of 27 sex offenders residing within city limits as of August 2023.
The Morgantown Police Department is a full service law enforcement agency in the city. The department is responsible for patrolling city limits and conducting criminal investigations. The department is small, employing only 2 officers and the Chief. The current chief of police is Giles Taylor.
The police department can be reached at the following:
2800 Sailing Cir
Morgantown, KY 42261
Phone: (270) 526-2040
For All Emergencies Dial: 911
Individuals who are arrested in Morgantown are transported to the Butler County Jail. Butler County owns and operates a full-service jail with a 36-inmate capacity. The current facility opened in 1986. The jail offers structured programs for inmates to increase community readiness, including a work release program, GED and substance abuse programs, and religious services.