Butler County Court, KY

Mount Vernon, Kentucky Police Station Information

Mount Vernon has 78% less violent crime compared to the national average.
Mount Vernon has 78% less property crime compared to the national average.
Overall, the crime rate in Mount Vernon is 78% less than the national average.

A rise in violent crime and a decline in property crime has been seen in Mount Vernon over the last 5 years. There are currently 24 registered sex offenders residing in the city limits.

The Mount Vernon Police Department is a full service law enforcement agency in the city. The department is responsible for patrolling city limits and conducting criminal investigations. The department is small, employing only 2 officers and the Chief. The current chief of police is Giles Taylor.

The police department can be reached at the following:

2800 Sailing Cir
Mount Vernon, KY 42261

Phone: (270) 526-2040
For All Emergencies Dial: 911

Individuals who are arrested in Mount Vernon are transported to the Butler County Jail. Butler County owns and operates a full-service jail with a 36-inmate capacity. The current facility opened in 1986. The jail offers structured programs for inmates to increase community readiness, including a work release program, GED and substance abuse programs, and religious services.

Records Request and Mugshots in Mount Vernon, Kentucky

The city of Mount Vernon provides a record request form that can be downloaded on their official website. The form was created by the Kentucky Attorney General’s Office. The request form asks for a detailed description of the record being requested and the requester’s contact information. Once the form is completed, it can be submitted back to City Hall.

117 N Main St
PO Box 397
Mount Vernon, KY 42261

Office: (270) 526-3557
Office Fax: (270) 526-6295

County Sheriff, Warrant, Most Wanted Information in Mount Vernon, Kentucky

The Butler County Sheriff’s Office is the chief law enforcement agency located in the county. The three main responsibilities of the office include law enforcement, serving the court, and collecting county taxes. The office also completes traffic accident reports, processes concealed carry paperwork, and performs vehicle inspections.

The Butler County Jail has an inmate jail roster for the public to view. The roster lists all current inmates held in the jail.The jail roster lists the inmate’s full name, birth date, booking date, arresting agency, bond amount, and charges they were arrested for. Inmates can also be searched by their first and last name.

Mount Vernon, Kentucky Information

The city of Mount Vernon is located in the central region of the state of Kentucky, in Butler County. The city covers 3.35 square miles of land. The population is estimated to be 2,500 according to the last census in 2020.The city operates on a mayor-council government, and the current mayor is Billy Phelps.

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